Hopefully you've already put into daily practice the principles that you've learned.. If not, then its not yet too late to do them..
And here are the next eight that will guide you to your financial freedom
9. Wealth is Freedom - first, you have to work for money/financial freedom, so you will only work if you want to, not because you need to. Because of financial freedom, you will achieve time freedom or doing whatever you want, whenever you want. This happens when your play time becomes your work time and your work time becomes your play time. Then comes relationship freedom, where you have more time to nourish and nurture your relationships. Then you can pursue spiritual freedom. Then last, but definitely not the least, you can achieve physical freedom and nourish and take care of your body by going to the gym, etc. 10. It all starts with a dream - ask yourself the question, "How good can life be 5 years from now?". Always dream BIG dreams. Don't allow yourself to settle for anything less than BIG, you deserve it.
11. Clarity is power - Always think about your goals. Don't allow anything to distract you from them, not even obstacles. Your dreams come as you focus on them more and more.
12. More clarity is more power - On a daily basis, write your 6 major goals down in a special notebook. Each morning, write them down again and again. Place a copy of your six goals in your pocket or in your wallet and in places where you usually hang out or stay, so you'll constantly be exposed to them and you'l be able to read them constantly.
13. Tap into your "genius". - Want to know what your inner genius is? Just answer these 4 questions: - What do I love to do? - What am I good at? - What is important to me? - What was I born to do?
As you answer those questions, you will learn more about yourself and what your own genius is/are.
14. Leverage - do what you love doing, add enormous value, then leverage! One of the best leverages available is what you call OPR, or other people's resources.. These are resources that other people own, and they are willing to share it with you if and only if you provide them a very good reason to do it.
15. Imagination trumps will - Always imagine the best. Almost all of the 24 Essential Principles for Wealth circle around manifesting you wealth, or focusing on what you want to achieve in terms of wealth. Sheer willpower is great, but if you add imagination, it will become amazing!
16. The size of the question determines the size of the result. - Always ask million-dollar questions. Lots of times, if you ask yourself million-dollar questions, your mind comes up with million-dollar answers so ask often..!
Remember, just reading about the 24 Principles of Wealth will not make you wealthy. Action always defeats inaction..
Besides, what have you got to lose? If you're reading this post series, I bet you want to gain a lot..
So start internalizing and the principles that I have already shared, and wait for the last post on this series on the 24 Principles of Wealth, where I share the final 8 must-do principles.