Finally, here is the last part of my series, the 24 Essential Principles of Wealth, based on the book The One Minute Millionaire. The book outlines the ways on how to become an "enlightened" millionaire.
How is an enlightened millionaire different from an ordinary millionaire?? Well, you have to read the book to find out how, or watch out for my future post regarding being an enlightened millionaire..
As promised in my last post, I am now going to share with you guys 24 Essential Principles of Wealth, this time from the audiobook of The One Minute Millionaire..
The 24 Essential Principles to Wealth list some guidelines or "AHAs", as the audiobook puts it about becoming wealthy and having the mindset of a multi-millionaire..
In her seminar, Spirit Driven Success, Dani Johnson shared to her audience ways on how to ensure poverty and she shared must-know formulas for wealth.. There are 10 all in all.. Now I'm going to share them to you, as promised..
Now, I'm no preacher or priest or whatever, but I am spiritual. And I want to be wealthy.. So for me, I'll follow these 10 formulas for wealth as much as possible so that I can achieve my goals for becoming wealthy.. ^__^
I learned 7 Steps To Poverty from the seminar Spirit-Driven Success by Dani Johnson. This seminar talks about some of the biblical foundations of success and abundance and prosperity.